

Welcome to CAM-TECH Industries, Inc.
Your source for Commercial, Aerospace & Military Socket Set Screws

Fox Business Feature Story on Cam-Tech

Work With CAM-TECH

Where Quality, Customer Service, and Value Come Together

Thank you for visiting CAM-TECH Industries, Inc. We would like to take a few minutes to introduce ourselves. CAM-TECH Industries, Inc. is a socket set screw manufacturer known for our attention to detail in producing high-quality military and aerospace socket set screws to the AN, MS, and NAS standards and our commercial line of hex and spline drive socket set screws that are manufactured in accordance with ASTM F912,  ASTM F880, and ASME B18.3 as well as many other standards for our customers who demand the very best.

Good Business $ense

When you buy on price alone, you can never be sure. It’s unwise, of course, to pay too much, but it’s worse to pay too little. When you pay too much, you lose a little money, that’s all. But when you pay too little, you sometimes lose everything, because what you bought does not do the thing it was bought to do.

The common law of business transactions for customers requiring the  highest degree of quality, prohibits paying a little and getting a lot. It can’t be done

When you deal with the lowest bidder, it is well to add something for the risk you run and if you do that, you have enough to “Buy Cam-Tech Quality”.

Certifications and Approvals



  • Airbus
  • Boeing
  • Bombardier
  • Honeywell
  • Lockheed Martin
  • Raytheon
  • Defense Logistics Agency
  • Many Aerospace Distributors

Our Guarantee

You have our unconditional guarantee, that Cam-Tech Industries socket setscrews are manufactured to all applicable industry and Military standards and specifications, customer purchase order/customer blueprint. Chemical and inspection test reports are on file subject to examination.  Today, you can no longer assume that by receiving a “Certificate of Compliance” that a supplier has complied with all the specifications required to manufacture commercial and aerospace socket set screws. When you receive parts from Cam-Tech Industries, Inc., you will receive all inspection data as well as, documented reference standards that we are required to comply with by the Aerospace and Military Industries. We are one of the few reputable manufacturers of hexagon and spline drive socket set screws for the commercial and aerospace industries who provide you with this full report.

With all the changes and accountability in supplying socket set screws. We feel that you the customer, should have the full knowledge and peace of mind to bid on Commercial, Military, and Aerospace jobs successfully.

Our commitment to the highest standard of quality will never be compromised.

Tom J Collier, President-Director of Sales & Marketing

Rick Vice, President / Director of Quality & Manufacturing Management Representative

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Our Products

CAM-TECH maintains a large inventory of commercial and military socket set screws:

  • AN565, NAS1081, NASM and MS Series
  • Standard Diameter Range 0-80 through 5/8 inch
  • All Point Styles – Standards and Specials
  • Hex and Spline Drives

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